32° Maratona dles Dolomites-Enel

For the third consecutive year Cotto d'Este and Panariagroup are playing an active role as a Gold Sponsor for the Maratona Dles Dolomites - Enel 2018, as officially announced on March 22nd in Milan.

The annual road bicycle race brings together thousands of cycling enthusiasts in the spectacular scenery of Val Badia. The Panariagroup, based in Italy but active on the international scene and a leader in the production of high quality ceramic surfaces, has chosen to support the event once again, in order to share the sense of courage, tenacity and enthusiasm - those elements that have always characterized the company’s style and way of doing business. 

The Maratona dles Dolomites-Enel , now in its 32nd edition, will take place on Sunday 1 July with 9,000 cyclists participating, who will compete in the 3 courses of the event. They were selected from among the more than 32,000 from 90 countries who registered to take part. 

"Our renewed collaboration with the Maratona dles Dolomites-Enel,” said Emilio MussiniPresident of the Panariagroup, “expresses the Group's support for the universal values that sport represents, such as human wellbeing and a better quality of life, which are the basis of the development of our products, together with our desire to conduct a business that is increasingly oriented towards sustainability". 

At the Marathon Village erected in San Leonardo in Badia, Cotto d'Este and Panariagroup will be present with their own space dedicated to the Protect® product line, the exclusive, very high performance, antibacterial ceramic surfaces, designed to improve people’s health and quality of life, through the focus of attention to the spaces in which they live and through which they move. 

As at the previous events, this year Cotto d'Este and Panariagroup will also be present at the starting grid with a group of customers and enthusiastic partners who have been presented an exclusive opportunity to be part of this unique experience.

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