Outdoor : prestige and elegance en plein air

As the warmer seasons approach, the desire to enjoy outdoor spaces is growing every day. Garden, terraces and balconies, as well as outdoor public areas, are places of peace and quiet, the ideal crossroads between space, time and thoughts.

This is why conceiving and creating outdoor architectural projects can be an opportunity to set up impressive outdoor spaces with impeccable technical performance.

The outdoor range by Cotto d’Este – a brand that embodies manufacturing elegance, aesthetic research and attention to detail – features impeccable porcelain stoneware surfaces with a 14 mm or 20 mm thickness, high-end solutions that preserve their aesthetic appeal and technical performance from exposure to external agents and weather changes, perfect for residential and public areas: driveways, terraces, swimming pool edges, parking lots, bathing establishments, public parks and other urban areas. The coverings offer high slip resistance and are particularly versatile and easy to install, guaranteeing highly resistant slabs that can withstand significant loads, such as passing and parking of motor vehicles.

The range is a journey en plein air through new ways of conceiving ceramic and tactile effects inspired by stone and other materials thanks to collections that are perfectly suited to outdoor settings, offering value, elegance and unquestionable resistance.

The three Cotto d’Este products encapsulate the brand’s ability to offer multiple solutions for different uses while maintaining great expressive power, high technical performance and a wide choice of textures, decorations and sizes, perfectly integrating into unique outdoor projects with excellent performance and in harmony with the surrounding context.

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